A downloadable game for Windows

This game was made for school and was my first project.

This game is really bad it is not worth the ammount I have set if u buy this ur dumb.

There is so many bugs and glitches in this game, i think the only reason it is worse buying is it has a secret room full of monkey images.

There is a big monkey picture outside of the map incase you glitch out (whic his very easy).

If u spam controll while holding shift to sprint you gain a large ammount of speed, I have no idea why this happens but it does.

The only way to finish the game is to die at the end and even that doesnt work right as you can still move and rotate the camera.

If u buy this have fun ig...


Apple Street.zip 85 MB

Install instructions

Click the download button and pay.

then extract the flie and run FP GAme.exe